Alex Cloudstar Logo

Side projects

Beyond my work, I love to build side projects. I have a few projects that I am working on.

Tstpmove project image

TS Types Extractor


My .dotfiles


NextJS 13 Auth0 & Sub Domains

Rick & Morty Script Tool project image

Rick & Morty Script Tool

Storybook project image


Chatapp V2 project image

Chat App Website

Chatapp V2 project image

Chat App v2

Vyoo project image


Introducing TwitClone, a captivating social media platform that captures the essence of Twitters dynamic spirit

Twitter Clone

Welcome to TodoMario, a playful task management app where you embark on a heroic quest to conquer your to-do list in true Mario style!

Mario Todo V2

Bored project image

Bored v2